
Animating elements

You can use the <Transition> component to animate changes in your slide like magic:

<script lang="ts">
	import { Presentation, Slide, Transition } from '@animotion/core'

	let text: HTMLParagraphElement

	<Slide class="h-full place-content-center place-items-center">
			<p bind:this={text} class="text-8xl font-bold drop-shadow-sm">
				🪄 Animotion

			do={() => text.classList.replace('text-8xl', 'text-6xl')}
			<img class="rounded-lg drop-shadow-sm" src="/nod-of-approval.gif" />

⚠️ The View Transitions API is only supported in Chromium based browsers at the moment.

The <Transition> component accepts the following props:

  • do: callback function to change the DOM before animating the layout
  • class: styles to apply to the element
  • order: specify in which order the elements should transition
  • enter: the animation to use for the transition
  • name: view transition name (generates random name by default)
  • visible: whether the element should be visible or not

You can change the default animation, or create your own animations inside app.css since transitions are just CSS animations:

/* default animation */

.enter {
	animation: enter 0.6s var(--ease);

@keyframes enter {
	from {
		filter: blur(40px);
		scale: 0;
		translate: 0px 100vh;

/* custom animation */

.rotate {
	animation: rotate 0.6s var(--ease);

@keyframes rotate {
	from {
		filter: blur(4px);
		scale: 2;
		rotate: -1turn;

Transition order

If the elements you want to transition are out of order in the DOM, you can use the order prop to specify the order which element should transition:

	import { Presentation, Slide, Transition } from '@animotion/core'

	<Slide class="h-full place-content-center place-items-center">
		<div class="grid grid-cols-2 grid-rows-2 gap-4">
			<Transition order={4} enter="rotate">1</Transition>
			<Transition order={3} enter="rotate">2</Transition>
			<Transition order={2} enter="rotate">3</Transition>
			<Transition order={1} enter="rotate">4</Transition>

Layout animations

You can use the <Transition /> component to do layout animations:

	import { Presentation, Slide, Transition } from '@animotion/core'

	let items = $state([1, 2, 3, 4])
	let layout = $state('flex gap-4')

	<Slide class="h-full place-content-center place-items-center">
			<div class={layout}>
				{#each items as item, i (item)}
						class="grid h-[180px] w-[180px] place-content-center rounded-2xl border-t-2 border-white bg-gray-200 text-6xl font-semibold text-black shadow-2xl"

		<Transition do={() => (layout = 'grid grid-cols-2 grid-rows-2 gap-4')} />
		<Transition do={() => (items = [4, 3, 2, 1])} />
		<Transition do={() => (items = [2, 1, 4, 3])} />
		<Transition do={() => (items = [4, 3, 2, 1])} />
		<Transition do={() => (items = [1, 2, 3, 4])} />
		<Transition do={() => (layout = 'flex gap-4')} />

You can do impossible layout animations like animating between a flex and grid layout among other things — the only thing you have to do is change the DOM, and leave the rest to Animotion.