
Animating code

The <Code> component uses Shiki for beautiful syntax highlighting:

<script lang="ts">
	import { Presentation, Slide, Code, Action } from '@animotion/core'

	let code: ReturnType<typeof Code>

	<Slide class="h-full place-content-center place-items-center">
					let count = 0
					$: double = count * 2

				<button on:click={() => count++}>
			options={{ duration: 1000, stagger: 0.3, containerStyle: false }}

			do={() =>
						let count = $state(0)
						let double = $derived(count * 2)

					<button onclick={() => count++}>

		<Action do={() => code.selectLines`2,3`} />
		<Action do={() => code.selectLines`2-3,7`} />
		<Action do={() => code.selectToken`double {double}`} />
		<Action do={() => code.selectLines`*`} />

You can pick one of many themes that come with Shiki, choose a language, and provide options to the <Code /> component.

Animating Code Changes

You can animate changes in your code by using the update method:

		let count = $state(0)
		let double = $derived(count * 2)

	<button onclick={() => count++}>

Animotion uses Shiki Magic Move to animate the code changes which does the diffing to know what changed, and then animates the changes.

Code Highlighting

You can highlight lines, and tokens in your code:

// select individual lines
// select ranges of lines, and individual lines
// select tokens
code.selectToken`double {double}`
// select all lines

You can also use await since the <Code /> component methods return a promise.

Using Expressions

You can use expressions inside the template function:

<script lang="ts">
	let expression = 'false'

<!-- ... -->

	do={() => {
		expression = 'true'
		code.update`let bool = ${expression}`		

Code Indentation

Indenting code creates extra whitespace:

->->->let count = 0
->->->$: double = count * 2

->-><button on:click={() => count++}>

If you use tabs Animotion auto-indents your code for you:

		->let count = 0
		->$: double = count * 2
		<button on:click={() => count++}>

If you want to opt-out of this feature, you can set autoIndent to false:

<Code	autoIndent={false} />

Escape closing tags

Having a closing tag like </script> in your code block is going to cause problems because Svelte thinks you’re trying to close the <script> tag in your component. To solve this problem use the backslash character to escape it:

      // ...