File-based slides
You can have slides in one file or split them into multiple files by default, but Animotion also provides a file-based slides option during the setup if you want the slides to be managed for you.
Using File-based Slides
This is how you create slides using the default setup:
<!-- routes/+page.svelte -->
import { Presentation, Slide } from '@animotion/core'
<Slide class="h-full place-content-center place-items-center">
<p class="text-8xl font-bold drop-shadow-sm">🪄 Animotion</p>
<Slide class="h-full place-content-center place-items-center">
<img class="rounded-lg drop-shadow-sm" src="/nod-of-approval.gif" />
This is how you create slides using file-based slides:
<!-- slides/100/slide.svelte -->
<p class="text-8xl font-bold drop-shadow-sm">🪄 Animotion</p>
<!-- slides/200/slide.svelte -->
<img class="rounded-lg drop-shadow-sm" src="/nod-of-approval.gif" />
You can number the slides however you want since slides are sorted lowest to highest based on the number — another benefit of file-based slides is that you can have assets related to the slide in the same folder.
Passing Props
If you need to pass props to the <Slide>
use <script module>
<script module>
import { defineProps } from '@animotion/core'
export const props = defineProps({
in: () => alert('in'),
out: () => alert('out')
<!-- /slides/100/slide.svelte -->
<p class="text-8xl font-bold drop-shadow-sm">🪄 Animotion</p>
For regular imports use the <script>
<script module>
import { defineProps } from '@animotion/core'
export const props = defineProps({
in: () => alert('in'),
out: () => alert('out')
import { Transition } from '@animotion/core'
<!-- slides/100/slide.svelte -->
<p class="text-8xl font-bold drop-shadow-sm">🪄 Animotion</p>
File-Based Slides Setup
You can also set up file-based slides yourself by copying this code inside src/routes/+page.svelte
<!-- routes/+page.svelte -->
import { Presentation, Slides } from '@animotion/core'
history: true,
transition: 'slide',
controls: false,
progress: true,
<Slides center={true} />
After that you can create slides inside the src/slides